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Geezer Cowboy Shoots

These matches are regular cowboy action matches, they are just held during the week so anyone that's retired or anyone of any age that has off of work can come out and shoot another match.

With a smaller group, it's a good time to practice some techniques you may not want to try at the bigger regular Saturday shoots in the area.
These matches can change year to year, please consult the Clubs "Calendar of Events" for the upcoming year. For any other inquires, contact the match director, Red-Eyed Kid at or 443-392-1615

Wild Bunch

Wild Bunch matches are a "take off" of Cowboy Action Matches but they require the use of a 1911 semi-auto pistol in 45 auto in place of 2 single action pistols which are used in cowboy action matches. The idea was taken from the movie "The Wild Bunch".
Also needed is a large bore pistol caliber rifle and a model 97 pump action shotgun or a Winchester model 12 shotgun per the regular "Wild Bunch" rules.
To try to encourage more shooters to try Wild Bunch at the Jefferson Club ONLY, we also allow the use of any wood stocked pump action shotgun with a side ejection port. ( Mossberg 500, Remington 870, etc) We also allow any caliber 1911 pistol ( 38 super, 9mm, 40 cal. Etc) And 38 caliber rifles if loaded to Wild Bunch rules specs.
For any questions concerning the matches, contact the match director, Red-Eyed Kid at or 443-392-1615
Dates / months of the matches can change year to year, please consult the Clubs "Calendar of Events " for current dates/ times.

Geezer Cowboy Shoot

Wild Bunch

2022 Rick Baugher

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